Winrose: An Impressive Young Lady with a Bright Future
When I asked her pastor about her, he told me she was from a very poor family. Still in elementary school, she would go to her neighbors and ask if she could do their laundry so she could pay her school expenses. She was determined to go to school but when she finished elementary school, the cost would increase to the point that it would be very hard for her. An older sister had already quit school because of the lack of finances. My prayer was, "Oh Lord make it possible for us to help this child."
God answered my prayer and we were able to help her. She is now 13, sponsored and in eighth grade (they call it second year high school). Here are excerpts from a letter she sent:
"I want to thank you for everything and support you give for me. This is really a great big help to my family and to me to reach my ambition to finish my study and to have a good future with the help and guidance of the Lord.
"We are 3 sisters and 2 brothers in my family. My father drives a 'push bike' (a bicycle that carries passengers).His income is not enough to send us to school.My older sister quit school to help my father. I also help the family by cleaning our home and washing clothes. Sometimes I wash the clothes of our neighbor to earn extra money and give the money to my mother to buy rice.
"In the church I am a back up singer and once a week I lead praise and worship in our Sunday service. I also help in Sunday School, teaching Bible stories and songs and memory verses to the children. My pastor has also taught me to play the guitar.
I know life is short so I will use my life to please the Lord. God bless us all."
Winrose has so much potential. Without the help of a sponsor who has invested in her, she would not be able to reach that potential. She has a destiny, a purpose for her life. She is not sure at this time if she wishes to be a teacher or a pastor. Whatever she does, God will use her because she loves Him above all else. Those who have sponsored her will know they have had a big part in helping her fulfill God's plan for her life.
There are many more children and young people like Winrose who are not able to go to school or even to have enough to eat. They just need a little help to make their dreams come true. You can help a child know someone cares for him or her, prays for them and you can help that child break the cycle of poverty into which he or she was born. To sponsor a child is only $30 a month and it changes a life. To begin sponsoring a child, go to Sponsor A Child.
Invest in A Child -- Reap Eternal Benefits
Your investment in the life of a child will make an eternal difference for that child. Would you like to help a child overcome severe poverty and fulfill their dreams? To sponsor a child is $30 a month or $360 for the year. Whether God leads you to sponsor one child or several children, there are children waiting for your response. If you are interested, go to Sponsor A Child.
Maybe you do not feel you can sponsor a child or a group of children, but you wish to help with ministry to them, you can give a gift online at Ministry to Children or Feed Hungry Children.
Kathy's Blog -- "All God's Children" --
Pray for her as she advocates for the great missions work of sending 489 children to school who would not otherwise get to go. She also oversees the pastors who lead and guide these children. We share the same goal of one day soon reaching 1,000 children. Will you believe and dream with us? This would be a chance for you, your church or your business to do something really big for God. Would you pray about it?
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"What The Lord Is Saying Today," © Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,
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